Your Aries Season & Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope — Set Intentions For The Astrological New Year

The Astrological New Year Has Arrived!

The Sun enters Aries — the first sign of the zodiac — on March 20, marking the spring equinox and first month of the cosmic calendar. This radiant and fertile season inspires you to start fresh, and with the Sun’s supportive connection to Pluto in Capricorn, you’ll be catapulted toward change and transformation. Opportunities to radically turn your life around, take strides toward your self-improvement goals, and set your sights on bigger ambitions will leave you feeling passionate, driven, and energized this month.

The spring equinox (the first day of spring) brings an air of rebirth and renewal. This pivotal time of year activates your enthusiasm to embark on a new journey. Make way for new people to enter your life and set the intention to move toward new experiences and the life of your dreams. The spring equinox offers a unique opportunity to set intentions for the year ahead; this energy is even more fruitful and cosmically aligned than January 1! Consider what you’re striving toward in this next chapter and what new adventures you’ll chase.

Depending on your rising sign, this upcoming season will have a unique impact on your life. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


A new journey of self-understanding awaits you. The astrological new year is the ultimate time to envision the new adventure you’re about to embark on. There’s no doubt that your wildest ambitions are changing right about now, encouraging you to take passionate and aligned action to elevate your life. Your chances of success will be magnified by the magic of spring. 


Your worldview and perspective are shifting, and the universe wants you to anchor into this energy and break free of the fears that are stopping you from being bold. Remember your power and restore your strength as Aries season magnetizes your subconscious mind. Set the intention to move on from the past and all the losses, betrayals, and secrets it contains. Your future needs your total presence.


The electricity of this new beginning sparked by Aries season and the spring equinox will power your dreams and manifestations. Anything is possible, Gemini, so start setting ambitious goals for the year ahead. The universe is calling you to remember that a powerful start doesn’t guarantee an easy journey. Shift your attitude toward playing the long game, and remember that a bump in the road isn't a sign to give up.


Take a back seat in your partnerships and turn your focus toward yourself, Cancer. This cosmic renewal will activate an ambitious fresh start, calling in new prospects for career advancements and success. You must prioritize setting intentions for your future instead of focusing on what’s good for others. The spring equinox is a great time to emerge from your shell and say yes to attending social gatherings.


The future is ripe with abundant experiences, and the astrological new year will remind you not to let your comfort zone hold you back from expanding your horizons. Break free from old lifestyle patterns and routines, and view any changes to your priorities and work life as an invitation to be more spontaneous. Set the intention to fill your time with enriching experiences — put traveling, learning, and exploring on your agenda.


The astrological new year will illuminate the external challenges and internal barriers blocking your optimism. Look deep within to explore what you need to feel fearless once again, Virgo, and construct a plan to tackle your immediate challenges — whether that’s by striving to pay off a loan or debt or seeking emotional support to close an old chapter. The steps you take now will build a stronger emotional foundation for your future.


Take an active approach to life and step into your power. The universe is calling you to embrace your leadership qualities, Libra. Expect to be rewarded when you take the initiative and express your feelings courageously. Whether you’re looking to settle down with your lover, take things to the next level with your business comrade, attract new clients, or clear the air with a frenemy, be the first to make your intentions known instead of waiting for others to come to you. 


A healthy and happy mind leads to a healthy body and a happy lifestyle. The universe calls you to break down your existing beliefs and perspectives on wellness and success, so you can head into the astrological new year motivated to make major life changes. Anchor into the spring equinox by adjusting your routines to support a better quality of life. 


The changing nature and dynamics of your routines and income will offer more time and space to do things that bring you joy. Try not to see this as an inconvenience but as an opportunity to align with heart-centered work and activities. Work on your side hustle and passion projects, dedicate more time to dating, and embark on new adventures with your children and loved ones — you never know when you’ll next get free time. 


Your mind may be full of rich ideas and impassioned instincts to chase new goals and ambitions. However, the universe calls you to prioritize your well-being, home life, and inner security at the start of the astrological year. Harness the energy of the spring equinox to cultivate inner peace and improve the quality of your personal life. Putting your personal needs ahead of your desire for external progression will lead you down a more successful path.


Set the intention to get out and about, Aquarius. Make a serious effort to disrupt your stale work-home-and-work-again routine with time spent exploring your neighborhood and local community. New and exhilarating experiences can’t find you if you aren’t open to them. Socialize with a stranger, trust your instincts, and go with the flow of life; new adventures are around every corner!


In the past, you may have gone down a path of endless dissatisfaction in pursuit of an over-ambitious dream. However, now is your chance to consider an alternate route to success (that doesn’t involve ungrounded manifestation and no action). Hit the ground running to chase new financial and material goals. The universe is lighting a fire under you to be more headstrong and develop unwavering self-esteem.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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