6 Planets Will Be Retrograde During Gemini Season, 2020 – Here's How To Work On Your Inner Self

Gemini Season Begins On May 20 When The Sun Shifts Into Airy Gemini

Gemini is a social butterfly of the zodiac that urges you to self-improve through communication and education. This season, you’ll experience an increased desire to roam free, be amongst friends, and expand your mind to new insights and information. Additionally, 6 planets will be retrograde this season: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune and Pluto. Under the intense impact of 6 retrograde planets and a solar eclipse, you’ll be taking a lot on mentally and internally which could cause breakdowns and self-destructive behaviors if you aren’t careful and self-aware.

“Use this season to reassess, re-establish, and realign with who you are at your core. Reflect and recharge through journaling and self-care practices.”

New Moon In Gemini

The upcoming New Moon will align on May 22 in Gemini. This is the perfect opportunity for written manifestations and affirmations. New Moons symbolize a time for setting intentions, visualizing where you want to be, and conceptualizing all of the endless possibilities and new pursuits. A New Moon in Gemini is certainly refreshing, light-hearted, and playful. Think vision boards, optimism, and an exciting curiosity for your future endeavors.

Mercury Enters Cancer

On May 28, Mercury will shift into Cancer. Mercury in Cancer influences your mind to align and work alongside your heart and intuition. Your thought process will now be led by your emotions as Cancer truly feels the depths of every interaction. This could cause you to feel more responsive, delicate, and sensitive than usual.

Sun Conjunct Venus In Gemini

The Sun will merge with Venus retrograde on June 3 in Gemini. Leading up to this cosmic alignment, you’ll feel the harmonious and beautiful solar rays as they influence you to be flirtatious, highly creative, friendly, and graceful. However, with Venus still in retrograde, the themes of introspection, reassessment, reaffirmation, and realignment are still circulating and prevalent.

Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius

Tensions will rise on June 5, under the Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Your optimism and desire to seek out spiritual insight and the truth will increase during this lunation. However, as the eclipse squares up with Mars in Pisces, the likelihood of confrontation and emotional outbursts is heightened.

Sun Challenges Neptune In Pisces

The Sun in Gemini will square up with dreamy Neptune in Pisces on June 11. You’re more likely to glamourize your experiences during this clash between your ego and imagination. Expect to feel confused, discouraged, and discontent with who you are. Self-doubt and self-deception are creeping in as you cling to illusions and fantasies about who you are and your motives as a way to escape ordinary reality.

Mercury Retrograde In Cancer

Mercury turns retrograde on June 17 in sensitive Cancer and will continue its transit until turning direct on July 12. ⁣During this transit, there's an emphasis on communicating with compassion and care, nurturing others through reassurance and understanding, and relying on your intuition to guide you forth. Emotional reactions and misunderstandings are likely to occur as you will be led by your feelings and instincts over logic.

Solar Eclipse In Cancer

The solar eclipse in Cancer on June 20, will be an Annular eclipse that pushes you toward emotional authenticity and a karmic redirection. The universe is aligning you with a new, destined pathway that’s aligned with your highest purpose; however, prepare for this to come with overwhelming feelings and challenges to instill trust in life’s redirections.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

Connect with Alexandria: InstagramYoutubeTwitterFacebook


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