New Moon In Cancer, 2022 — Diamonds Are Formed Under Pressure

The new moon in Cancer is about to bring a new beginning which feels like a final breakthrough after recent breakdowns that you’ve experienced in your home and family life since January 2022. The Sun and Moon will form an exact conjunction at 7 degrees Cancer, bringing a powerful blend of their energy which will magnify the Cancerian area of your life (read your new moon horoscope for more insight into how this will impact you). Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, signifying your connection to your roots and what makes you feel safe and comforted. New beginnings and opportunities unfolding through the energy of this sensitive water sign will encourage you to instill a deeper sense of happiness in your life by prioritizing your deepest needs and closest relationships.

Lilith Will Bring A Rebellious Kick To This Lunation

Despite the new moon unfolding in the Moon’s rulership zodiac sign — Cancer — it won't be as plain sailing as it seems because black moon Lilith will bring a wild and dramatic edge to the new beginnings that you’ll be initiating. Black moon Lilith is an astrological point that reflects your rawest urges that you may suppress. Lilith’s energy will empower you to be confident about who you are and heal and mature through challenging environments by raising your awareness of your true feelings and breaking free of restrictions. Lilith in Cancer conjuncts the new moon will add a rebellious kick to this lunation, illuminating wounds from your childhood that you may not have gotten over. 

The deep and psychic nature of the Cancerian new moon indicates that there are memories you have latched onto that continue to limit your progression. These memories might be something your parents or relatives have told you that still stings, household traditions, or expectations that held you back from embracing your desires, or the absence of love, care, and protection, which you yearned for. The illumination of these childhood wounds isn’t the universe trying to break you down, it’s an opportunity for you to make peace with the past so that you can finally put yourself first. What does healing look like to you?

The emotional nature of Cancer will certainly bring on tears during this new moon — but sometimes, the best advancements are the most emotional as they signify spiritual growth and the long-awaited beginning of the next chapter of your life. Get ready for changes to your closest relationships which include, but aren’t limited to, familial relationships. Anyone who sees the deepest and most intimate sides of you will also be affected by your tremendous growth as you begin to express your feelings without shame and learn who you truly are.

A lot of Planets Are Vibing In Good Energy

Jupiter — the planet of luck and expansion — will form a square with the new moon (which is a 90-degree aspect bringing frustrating lessons and pressured energy that allows you to build strength, optimism, and power). Jupiter in Aries encourages you to own your confidence and make quick judgments and decisions that will bring the ultimate excitement, satisfaction, and adventure into your life. When Jupiter connects with the new moon, it will challenge you to break free of your comfort zone in order to welcome this positive and abundant Jupiterian light into your life. But, only you can change your approach to life and make the decision to approach obstacles with a different outlook (rather than through the lens of your pain and childhood trauma. 

Jupiter will also connect with Venus in Gemini — the other benefic (favorable) planet in the sky — bringing powerful and illuminating energy and the opportunity to connect with people who closely align with your values and offer a safe space for you to be vulnerable and true to yourself. Another great thing about this new moon is that Mars in Aries and Saturn in Aquarius will be in a position of comfort as they both transit their rulership zodiac signs. While they won't directly interact with the new moon, they will harmonize with each other, strengthening your vigor and determination to take responsibility for your life path.

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Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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