Saturn Retrograde In Aquarius Is Over: Here's How To Adjust After This Karmic Transition

Stoic Saturn — the planet of karma, discipline, and responsibility, turned direct in Aquarius on October 22, meaning its 4-month-long retrograde is over! But the work to overcome restrictions, delays, and tests of how responsible you are may not be over just yet as Saturn’s post-retrograde phase will linger until January 28, 2023, prompting you to take what you’ve learned during the past 4-months and rebuild yourself.

What was the meaning of Saturn retrograde?

Saturn retrograde causes you to reap what you sow, which could be favorable or unfavorable, depending on how you’ve stepped up to face your responsibilities in the past. You may have had to re-evaluate the decisions you’ve made since June 2022 and re-consider whether your aversions toward growing up or failing have manifested in subconscious fears that are holding you back. Saturn retrograde began and ended in innovative Aquarius — which is one of the two most comfortable zodiac signs for Saturn to transit (the other being serious-minded Capricorn). The Aquarian nature of this retrograde will have put a greater focus on your social boundaries, and the part you have (or have not) played toward revolutionary progression within society. 

Like all cosmic alignments, Saturn retrograde will have had a unique impact on you depending on your astrological energy and which area of your Birth Chart was directly influenced by Saturn’s backspin. Read your horoscope below for personalized insight.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Saturn retrograde offered opportunities to consider whether you were taking on too much responsibility for your friends and community instead of allowing them to advocate for themselves. You may have also faced experiences in which you became triggered by things you saw online. What have you learned about social media boundaries?


This Saturn retrograde directed your attention toward your career and the legacy you are building. What have you learned about success from your dominant parental figure, and have these beliefs fuelled your ambition or held you back out of fear?


Global changes since June 2022 have likely challenged you to adjust your worldview. However, Saturn retrograde would have brought new opportunities to open your mind and avoid becoming dogmatic with what you believe. How have your perspective and religious or spiritual views evolved?


What fears have you overcome since June 2022? Saturn retrograde would have brought your true feelings to the surface so you could give yourself the comfort and reassurance you need to grow from your past. If you haven’t leaned on your loved ones for emotional support, now is the perfect time to do it.


Saturn retrograde may have triggered profound realizations about your experiences in past relationships and what you've learned from them. It’s time to integrate this wisdom to strengthen your current partnerships and ensure you don’t repeat previous mistakes.


Your well-being may have been a greater focus during Saturn retrograde, challenging you to maintain a balanced lifestyle and address any health concerns you’ve been sweeping under the carpet. Consider how your consumption habits have changed and how you can give your body what it needs.


Your creative energy or enthusiasm may have taken a dive this year, causing you to focus your time on fewer projects and people at once. What have you learned about allocating your time and energy wisely during Saturn retrograde? How have your creative blocks influenced your self-belief?


You may have undergone extensive inner child healing during Saturn retrograde by exploring your childhood experiences and how they have influenced your adult life. Moving forward, consider how you can turn your pain into power and give yourself what you needed but didn’t receive in your early life.


How have you re-established and refined your future goals? Saturn retrograde may have altered your state of mind to urge you to be more pragmatic and focused on the present moment rather than overly invested in your future. What are you building and creating now that will carry you to where you want to be in life?


You may be a natural over-worker, which is why Saturn retrograde urged you to focus on self-care and maintaining healthier routines. How have your values and perception of money changed this year, and how has this impacted your work ethic? Focus on goals that are truly important to you going forward.


Saturn retrograde’s energy would have been deeply personal and impactful for you, shedding a new light on your destiny and the life experience that has caused you to become so independent. How can you take more accountability for the direction your life is headed in instead of relying on fate to carry you?


Your craving for solitude during Saturn retrograde may have granted you more time to dive deep into your psyche. Consider whether you are in a healthier mental state than you were 4-months ago and what else you can do to release your painful memories and soothe your fears, sadness, or anxiety.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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