The Astrology Of 2021 Shows That Evolutionary Changes Are Coming

Last Year Was Quite The Journey

Between Pluto's Retrograde at the start of the year and the tense Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter aspects throughout the year, we were under immense pressure to reform society and undergo a deep process of rebirth. In 2021 we will experience an intense eclipse season and the breakup of the Capricorn Stellium — which is astrology lingo for a concentration of cosmic energy — which had an influence on the intense energy of 2020.

Jupiter, Saturn And Pluto Will Near Each Other

Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter are what we call generational planets. This means that they are slow moving and their energy carries long-lasting effects (which can last between one to twenty years). Throughout 2020, these three generational planets have remained in close proximity to one another, often forming conjunctions (where planets are lined up and their energetic vibrations intensify each other/blend together). These planets transited through the sign of Capricorn, which in this sense, embodied the themes of traditionalism, tension, limitation, restrictions, foundations, authority, and the secrets and hidden agendas that hide behind powerful structures and figures (intensified by Saturn in his domicile (rulership) positioning and Pluto's themes of death, shadows, secrets and regeneration).

As we move into 2021, this generational trio will begin to separate from one another, meaning there will be fewer conjunctions occurring between the three. By June 2021, they will be occupying three different zodiac signs which will soothe the intense, structural Earth energies that we've experienced throughout the year. Pluto will not leave Capricorn until 2023-2024. This means the death and rebirth of our society and the repercussions that this has on hardworking individuals will still be prevalent and underlying for the next few years. Once we've come out on the other side of this transit, we will be experiencing a vastly different world than what we were once used to.

We'll Be Focused On Creating Change

The intensity of the Earth element will settle as the generational trio begins their move through the archetype of Aquarius, representing; revolution, community, and humanitarianism. This year, we were focused on larger-scale reformation as we vocalized our yearning desires to change the world. Our focus will become more refined next year, as we take steps towards changing our local communities, which could then progress into global changes. Aquarius' energies are far more optimistic and uplifting than Capricorn's, meaning it may be easier for us to chase the visions we have of the future. Nevertheless, Aquarius as an archetype represents the activist, uprising, and revolution, meaning there could very well be a continuation of protests and tensions concerning the future of humanity and how our governments are structured.

There will be more division between people's ideas and visions of the future, which is amplified by Uranus' transit through Taurus. Uranus is in fall in Taurus, meaning the energies of this planet and this archetype aren't compatible. This is a position of weakness for Uranus, which suggests more struggle and opposition to the uprising of divine feminine energies. Uranus spends approximately seven years in each zodiac sign and when he's in Taurus, he brings collective changes to our physical bodies, 5 senses, and our self-esteem. But don't let this knock your confidence! The most important point is that this revolutionary energy is growing in power and intensity, and despite obstacles and opposing energies, we are shaking the table (and are being heard and seen)!

We'll Face Themes Of Revolution Vs. Restriction

Saturn (limitations and restriction) will clash with Uranus (revolution, hopes for the future) numerous times throughout 2021. The two planets will conflict with each other in multiple squares (tense aspect) throughout February-March then again in June and December. These energies could very well manifest as more clashes with authority and the conflict between traditionalism and modern thinking, values, and structures. The divide between those in society who are ready to move forward and those who are just fine where they are will deepen, which will certainly affect our relationships with others.

We may be on a constant search for truth during 2021. Jupiter will transit Aquarius, influencing us to be open-minded and free in our thinking. Similarly, the North Node, which is the astrological axis representing where we are headed and the old karmic patterns that we are shedding, will move through Gemini until 2022. This represents us as a global community working on how we communicate, how we coexist with different truths, and how we educate ourselves to better understand others

This however, does not mean that there won't be a large amount of distortion and lies occurring throughout the year (Pluto is still in Capricorn remember! A lot will still be occurring behind the scenes of our society). The lesson here is to accept that truth is relative and while we cannot control the truths that people choose to align themselves with, we can control the building of a new society that rejects violence and is solidified in foundations of love, empathy, and peace.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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