Full Moon In Gemini, 2021: Celebrate How Far You've Come

The Full Moon In Gemini Wants You To Reduce The Influence That Others Have Over Your Mind

As the final lunation of the year before the nodes of destiny shift to the Taurus-Scorpio axis on December 24, this full moon signifies the last moment of celebration and closure after the karmic 1.5-year cycle. Despite this full moon sharing the same zodiac sign as the lunar nodes, the moon is too far from the nodes to count as an eclipse. This is great news if you're still winding down from a chaotic and unpredictable eclipse season! This full moon will be far more stable and less dramatic than the lunations we had last month, meaning more power will be in your hands to resolve social dilemmas.

Prepare For Endings, Closure, And Celebration

Full moons bring dramatic endings and energetic releases where chapters in your life come to an end. The endings attached to this full moon will be exciting, explorative, and soul-aligning. The full moon in Gemini will put a focus on your mindset. The way that you speak about yourself and how allow others to speak to you will be spotlighted. This weekend will be a great opportunity for you to give yourself the comforting words or motivational speech that you need.

Be A Free And Critical Thinker

The moon at 27 degrees Gemini carries Solarian significations, making this transit bold, dramatic, and self-focussed. On the other hand, the opposing Sun at 27 degrees Sagittarius exudes Saturnian and Solarian influences, giving it a strong, dominating, and competitive force. The dominating presence of others and their forceful or overshadowing beliefs may push you to the brink, causing you to speak out and assert yourself as a free-thinker. Mark yourself as an individual when other people try to confine you to one belief, ideology, or philosophy. Whether it’s teachers, guides, or gurus, the ‘authority’ that someone has should not cause you to follow people and subscribe to their beliefs blindly. This lunation is a reminder to treasure your natural curiosity and youthful exploration of new truths rather than conforming to collective ideas and suppressing your true thoughts and feelings.

Express Yourself With Confidence And Clarity

The positive and expansive Jupiterian influences of this full moon will accelerate manifestations and encourage you to celebrate the milestones that you've reached. Observe everything that you have and the person that you are today. When we get caught up in chasing the next thing, we forget to appreciate everything that we have in the present moment. This weekend, you may find success when revising previously difficult conversations. Take the lead and make sure that your points are clear in discussions. Practice revisiting recent disagreements with grounded energy and positive intentions to soothe perspective clashes. Explore your intellectual freedom by exploring new ideas and encourage yourself to indulge in every one of your successes, no matter how big or small they are.

Prioritize Your Spiritual Wellbeing

The Jupiterian energy that powers this full moon will also bring deeply spiritual energy. As the Moon begins to wane, post-full-moon, prioritize your spiritual health by restoring your energy and realigning with your highest self. Reflect on the moments where you didn't honor your highest state of being, whether that was through poor boundaries, saying yes when your heart said no, or not saying anything at all because you were afraid. Bring closure to these areas by making peace with what can not be changed and anchoring in the present moment, fully committed to moving forward in new ways.

Ultimately, this full moon will leave us feeling hopeful about our future and satisfied with the things we accomplished during such a turbulent year. Take a moment to celebrate yourself. Give yourself permission to smile, laugh, and have fun. Spread joy and hold the faith that you're moving towards bigger and brighter things in physical and spiritual ways.

Want to know more? Click here to read your horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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