Leo Season 2024: Horoscope & Cosmic Wisdom For Your Zodiac Sign


aving endured the harshest cosmic weather of Cancer season with resilience and great fortitude you are gifted an opportunity to alchemize your feelings into love and art in Leo season. From July 22 to August 22, 2024, the sun returns to its sanctuary. Nestled in the corner of the heavens where it is most powerful, the sun energizes your playfulness, vibrancy, dignity, and charisma as it transits Leo. Symbolizing the regal and divine energy of the Emperor/Empress archetype, Leo season urges the reclamation of your power, passion, pleasure, and authority.

As the fixed fire sign of the zodiac, the amplification of Leo energy awakens your star quality. However, it also empowers your pride and the over-expansion of your egoic consciousness. Stand tall in your sovereignty and let every compliment and expression of gratitude reach your soul. You are all the wonderful things people say about you. But you mustn’t attach yourself to external attention or praise. The magic within you exists whether or not others recognize or validate you.

What can I expect this Leo Season?

As the sun maps its journey through Leo, it moves in sight of Neptune, our planet of beliefs and spirituality. Neptune is retrograde in mystical Pisces, clearing the fog and rose-tinted illusions that have separated you from harsh truths. Accenting lessons on self-honesty, Neptune’s delicate collaboration with the sun inspires a vivid awareness of reality. Realize where you have clung to illusions and egoic labels. Let the universe guide you home to the remembrance that nobody is inferior or superior. Power, applause, or accolades do not reflect the value of an individual's worth.

Hone your authority in Leo season rather than handing your power over to people you admire and place upon pedestals in your mind. Notice the language used to describe yourself and others. Are they laced with admiration that makes you feel inferior? Or are they tainted with bitterness, competitiveness, or jealousy? Be mindful of clinging to superficialities to establish a sense of identity in this world.

Read on using your rising sign for more guidance on integrating the energy of the upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Walk with your head held high and push yourself toward your highest potential. But do not burden yourself with pressures to perform to a level of near perfection. In all your vigor, ambition, and glorious ingenuity, you are still human – not a machine. Your well-being becomes a growing concern, inspiring you to review imbalances in your lifestyle. Release your pent-up tensions through artistic and sensual outlets.


The universe calls for a deeper exploration of your standards and expectations in dating. Chances are, if you are seeking perfection in another human being, you have held yourself hostage by the same standards. Avoid unleashing your criticism over creative pursuits that are supposed to bring you joy. Release your inner tensions by pouring your heart into your home. Tend to your sanctuary and indulge in quality time with your family. 


Your eager, excited, and authentic expression is a breath of fresh air. Do not disguise your magnetism and cool your radiance to be digestible for others. Let your passion roam wild and free when you discover a new topic to dissect and explore. Speak with courage, authority, and certainty. But notice the increasing sensitivity that disrupts the flow of your daydreams. Flexing your handiness at home is the best way to express your devotion and care this season.


You are exploring the delicate balance of confidence and arrogance in Leo season. You deserve the brightest gifts life has to offer. But you are not entitled to other people’s energy or time and mustn’t expect them to bestow you with blessings. Delicate energy sensitizes your reaction to other’s acknowledgment of you. Meanwhile, misunderstandings could steer you toward errors. Be mindful of the words you speak during moments of frustration or confusion.


Welcome the infusion of new energy and integrate it into your consciousness. Let it empower your creative expression and inspire the evolution of your personal style. As the sun beams down on you, courageously present yourself as the divine goddess you sense within. Step out into the world with courage and authority, knowing you are the light of your life – not the main character in other people’s stories. Take some time to revise your budget and expenses to balance your needs and desires.


Called to enter a purifying chapter of reflection and restoration, you are confronting everything that has threatened your power, overwhelmed your boundaries, and challenged your ego. Matters of the present and past resurface in Leo season. Reconsidering where you stand and where your strengths lie will teach you to self-evaluate with a conscious mind and kind heart. Do not succumb to the piercing whispers of your inner critic.


Devoted to friendship, culture, and community, you are bringing your golden light to these areas and absorbing the magic of passionate collaborations. Pour your heart into group endeavors and watch as your shared dreams blossom. Authenticity is the most potent magnet for connection. Remember this when triggers are activated, creating distance in your sacred partnerships. When new challenges threaten your problem-solving and mediation talents, take a new approach to reach resolutions.


At the heart of your greatest ambitions lies a yearning to create and assume positions of conscious leadership. Now is your time to live in service to this mission, making every action and intention a demonstration of your passion for uplifting the world. Light the way toward change, but do not replicate the patterns or shadows of those who have walked before you. Maintain a grounded perspective as misunderstandings challenge the framework of your friendships and the respect you hold for each other. 


Leo season pulls you toward new adventures and activates the spark you thought was lost. Exercise your freedom to explore higher perspectives, journey to new destinations, and expand your sage wisdom. Soak up knowledge and information while resisting the urge to force your opinion into narratives or other people’s train of thought. Immerse yourself into fresh waters and let it inspire uncomfortable but necessary questioning over the direction of your divine path, career, and legacy.


Tap into the healing powers of your heart. There is no battle great enough to extinguish your light; as long as you believe this, it will remain true. Your biggest moves will unfold in the shadows as you go deeper into confronting the patterns and wounding stemming from your childhood. Meanwhile, you are questioning your spirituality and perception of the world by discerning which voices have over-influenced your awareness.


The cosmic fire of Leo season is channeled into your divine partnerships, empowering you to enter a chapter of loyalty, devotion, and commitment. Infuse passion and play into your relationships without instigating drama to feel alive. Vigorous new chapters activate opportunities to heal through vulnerable communication. Let yourself receive the affirming love that soothes any doubt that you are worthy. When your mind retreats to the past, remember the thoughts and feelings you repress or deny will claw their way to the surface. 


Infuse the determined Lion spirit of the season into your daily rituals and routines. Fiercely prioritize your health and well-being. Meet your work duties and responsibilities with dignity and pride, unashamed of the hard labor and teachings that strengthen your body and mind. New tests blossom in your partnerships, presenting opportunities to renew your perspective and upgrade your understanding. Honor disagreements as lessons – not burdens – here to teach you to seek clarity and reason in healthy, efficient, and loving ways.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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