Your August 2024 Horoscope: Mercury Turns Retrograde & The Super Blue Moon Aligns


ugust begins across the threshold of the Lion’s Gate Portal, a beneficent cosmic opening; pay attention to what arises on August 8, its celestial zenith. Meanwhile, the August 4 new moon coincides with the start of Mercury’s retrograde voyage, urging us to reassess our participation in disempowering relationship cycles. Mid-month, tension points between Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, in conjunction with the Super Blue Moon, reveal the obstacles guarding the way to our most liberated self-sovereignty. By the end of August, our entrance into Virgo season and exit out of Mercury retrograde usher in a much-appreciated opportunity for clarity, and perhaps even harmony.

Looking for more cosmic insights? Receive the full August 2024 global forecast, or take a deeper dive into your yearly 2024 horoscope

August energetic highlights

  • August 4: New moon in Leo

  • August 4/5: Venus enters Virgo and Mercury retrograde begins

  • August 8: Peak of Lion’s Gate Portal

  • August 14: Mars conjuncts Jupiter

  • August 14/15: Mercury retreats into Leo

  • August 15: Mars squares Saturn

  • August 19/20: Super Blue Moon in Aquarius and Jupiter squares Saturn

  • August 23: Virgo season begins

  • August 28: Mercury retrograde ends

  • August 29: Venus enters Libra

Read on, using your rising sign, for more guidance on how you will experience this upcoming season. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Focus on how you can more fully express yourself through your creative projects, love life, and realm of pleasure. How can you nurture your inner child daily? Take inventory of the habits that keep you feeling stuck and robotic. Mid-month, pay close attention to your use of language, especially when deeper triggers bubble to the surface.


You have the opportunity to step into a Truth that honors both the person you’re becoming and your purest essence, especially as it relates to your family, home environment, and close bonds. How do you break open outdated structures? What do you truly value? Re-imagine your relationship to your world—your cocoon—and watch the butterfly take flight.


Pay attention to your use of language as you navigate August. How can you speak with even more intentionality, especially with family and close bonds? Take action toward the person you wish to be within the world and the broader scope of your identity. Prepare to move through a lesson relating to your career or long-term objectives.


Get clear on your deeper values and your ultimate Truth. Put language around it; give it shape. Reflect upon the relationships that make you feel seen, heard, and understood, as well as those that feel like trudging through mud. You may also want to view your possessions and money through new eyes: Does your physical sphere truly mirror your values?


What can die away in order to make space for something new? Become reborn again. Ditch the things (both physical and intangible) that are not in alignment with your highest self-expression and unique brand of leadership. Be unapologetically you in your friendship circles and community, and pay close attention to the people who unquestionably accept your authenticity—and those who pretend.


Where does your magic lie? Embody the infinite splendor of the cosmos. Express your depth and the Truth of who you really are. Embrace the lessons that surface within your closest relationships, and take note of any tensions that might arise around your career. How can you take action toward your long-term dreams?


Shine your most magical, scintillating light within your friendships and community in August. Don’t hold back from expressing what you cherish (even what lives in the far corners of your heart space). There might also be an opportunity for exploration (via travel or purpose) mid-month, but be wary of the effects this may have on your daily routine and health.


Career and community are both important sectors of life for you this month. How can you showcase yourself through your long-term objectives in a way that feels expansive and worthwhile? Keep your eyes peeled for the door that leads to your ultimate transformation. A lesson is sure to come up surrounding your inner child and what they might need from you.


Unapologetically own your Truth this month. Question the beliefs and traditions that have been passed down to you like treasured family heirlooms, even if you inevitably disappoint others. Expose yourself to new environments, people, and opportunities in order to expand your perspective and shape a future that is meant for you. Be willing to grow new roots in fresh soil.


In order for your newest iteration of self to blossom, another part of you must perish. Transformation comes in the smallest of moments – like in a word, a glance, or a pause. Get granular this month. Slow down and nurture presence within your everyday experience, then catch yourself when you fall back into cycles of boredom, agitation, or distraction.


How can you show up more honestly in your closest bonds and partnerships? Pay attention to who you become when you’re around the various characters of your life. What you value, at your core, is important for you this August. Who and what makes you feel alive? Your creative and romantic pursuits are in need of a tune-up.


This month is all about how you express yourself within your daily life and partnerships. What changes have you subconsciously neglected to bypass discomfort? Who are you really and how do you actually desire to show up in the world? The answer might be at odds with what others (i.e. family) expect of you. Be you anyway.


Christina Dylag

Christina is a multi-passionate entrepreneur based in Las Vegas, NV. As the creator of Realm of Being, a virtual portal for self-discovery and -actualization, she guides her community by way of cosmic and philosophical musings, with a central focus on Human Design. Connect with Chrisina: WebsiteInstagram


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