Mercury Retrograde In Taurus Brings Stagnant & Stubborn Energy – Here's Your Horoscope

Brace yourself for stubborn disagreements and a serious lag in your decision-making as Mercury moonwalks through slow and steady Taurus from April 21 to May 14/15, 2023. Mercury retrograde may be extra frustrating as Taurean energy is already sluggish and cautious. As the planet which oversees mindset, communication, and intellect, Mercury retrograde in Taurus will influence your focus and invite you to think back and review the past. Mercury will be near Uranus — the planet of unexpected change — when its retrograde begins, influencing a well-needed disruption to your natural thought patterns. The universe is encouraging you to reconsider your ideas, plans, and opinions. An unexpected shift to your perspective will bring new insights you were unaware of. Mercury's 3-week-long retrograde in Taurus could end positively, bringing breakthroughs, answers, and solutions that you’ve worked hard to find.

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Don’t beat yourself up if your routines and day-to-day activities are disrupted by Mercury retrograde. You could struggle to focus on work, especially if your environment isn't stable, secure, and encouraging. Slow down and rethink where you’re investing your time and energy (including how you're handling your finances and budgets). Delay making big decisions regarding purchases and try to return anything you've recently bought that you realize was a wasted expense.


Taurus, Mercury will cause you to feel less alert. You will find it hardest to concentrate and may focus more on yourself during this transit, causing others to think you're too busy for them. A fluctuating opinion of yourself, your appearance, or a changing life perspective could influence you to rethink your current life plans. You may also review the inflexible ideas about your capabilities that are limiting you.


Are you harboring a secret, Gemini? Mercury retrograde may influence conflicting feelings about information that has yet to come to light. Monitor your mental health during this period and get more alone time instead of forcing yourself to socialize. Make sure your personal time isn't wasted ruminating on the same troubles or worries in your head or being hard on yourself over past mistakes.


Mercury retrograde could influence misunderstandings amongst your friends and in conversations when getting to know new people. If you’re an avid social media user, double-check for spelling mistakes and errors in the information you share or consume online. New ideas around a dream you’re striving toward will cause you to realize you must be more realistic and practical when approaching your goals.


Brace yourself, Leo. Mercury retrograde will cause delays to your career plans and invite you to reconsider your long-term goals and ambitions. Presenting and public speaking may not go to plan; review your notes thoroughly and avoid saying something divisive or exaggerated. Make it a habit to go back and check your calendar, as you could mix up important dates and times or meetings and social gatherings.


Virgo, Mercury retrograde will challenge your dogmatic beliefs and personal philosophies. You may go back and forth and re-educate yourself during this reflective period, and interactions with mentors, teachers, and guides will teach you to be more accepting. Don’t resist changing your mind and attitude when you’re enlightened with new information.


Healing takes time; don’t freak out if you have new feelings about an issue that you thought you’d left in the past. Mercury retrograde could influence you to readdress a loan or debt. You may also experience delays to your financial or contractual agreements, bringing opportunities to review the fine print, check for errors, and reconsider your options. Hold off on signing anything until Mercury retrograde ends on May 14.


Handle disagreements and misunderstandings in your relationships with care and brace yourself for the return of an ex during Mercury retrograde. It may take longer to compromise and see eye to eye with your significant other, BFF, or frenemy because you'll become more stubborn, opinionated, and unwilling to let go. However, you could develop a new understanding of an issue when you step back from rigid clashes and reconsider your stance.


Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde could influence you to rethink work projects and your health and fitness goals. Lifestyle and routine changes will encourage you to think of new and innovative ways to meet your priorities. Reflect on how you might have made tasks harder for yourself through overthinking or inefficient planning, and change up your to-do list to promote a better workflow.


Capricorn, you may have a new perspective on what brings you happiness during Mercury retrograde. Reconsiderations around your dating life will shift your attitude toward what you want and need to feel fulfilled. Reflect on your current creative and romantic interests and prepare for delays to project releases or dating plans. You may also have stubborn conversations with your lover, ex-partner, or children that challenges your perspective for the better.


Expect to feel more reclusive during Mercury retrograde. You may experience bouts of anxiety and struggle to find your calm as you navigate difficult conversations with family members. You may decide to change, redesign, and redecorate your home or have doubts about your earlier design choices. Expect challenges to see matters from your past and childhood from a new angle and perspective.


Mercury retrograde will influence your focus and bring opportunities to question your thought patterns and the accuracy of the information you've been told before you share it. Expect to forget to respond to a text or email, and to worry about the efficiency of your plans and ideas. Admit when you’ve changed your mind and take as much time as you need to communicate clearly and give people definitive answers.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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