Venus Retrograde In Aries & Pisces 2025 Horoscope
From March 1 to April 12/13, 2025, Venus retrograde welcomes us into spring, presenting opportunities to redefine your values. This cosmic cycle pulls you inward, back into the depths of your heart, so you can discover what you really want and what satisfies your soul. When Venus, our ruling planet of beauty, connection, and materialism, embarks on its sacred retreat, it draws your awareness to your choices. Are they aligned with your deepest desires? Observe your financial patterns and ambitions — the attachments that capture your heart and glittering symbols of achievement. Consider whether you're cultivating a life rooted in passion, creation, and purpose or whether you are competing with others to obtain what they possess.
Venus Retrograde In Aries
Follow the call to reconnect with your authenticity as Venus retrograde begins in untamed Aries, the first archetype and cosmic warrior. Aries, our raging fire sign, symbolizes individuality, self-love, and daring assertion. Tending to your joy becomes an increasing priority. Begin by reconnecting with abandoned projects and hobbies. Reflect on whether you're getting what you want and need from your partnerships and ambitious pursuits. Avoid permanent and emotionally charged decisions to alter your appearance in a bid to find yourself once again.
Naturally ruled by dominant Mars, Venus’ opposite, self-reliant Aries provides a harsh cosmic landscape for the tender planet of harmonious love. If hyper-individualism is your signature or the denial that you need anyone other than yourself, Venus calls you to unravel relationship dynamics and power struggles reminiscent of karmic patterns or wounded detachment. Are you distancing yourself from the human connection and support your soul craves? Or are you overlooking your loved one’s needs and disturbing the balance and flow of your relationship?
Selfish instincts encoded in the human ego rise during Venus retrograde. This may drive the urge to reconnect with past lovers. But does the renewal of affection serve their needs or yours? If a familiar face reappears with drama, passion, and urgency, scrutinize their intentions and untangle yourself from the karmic bond. Resist impulsions in matters of the heart and finance.
Venus Retrograde In Pisces
Venus retrograde arrives in mystical Pisces on March 27/28 with a sweeter essence. In this spiritual, dreamy, and romantic cosmic landscape, Venus thrives. Nostalgia takes over, and the siren’s call of artistic projects and forgotten dreams lure you in. Venus retrograde in Pisces urges compassion. Note how your values have evolved and how this might strengthen your heart-centered unions. Can you offer deepened forms of love and understanding now that you’ve searched deep within yourself to find acceptance? Can you offer yourself unconditional and unwavering love?
Devoted Pisces enriches Venus retrograde with heavenly energy, asking you to explore where you have lost faith in your financial aspirations or the soulmate of your dreams. It asks you to evaluate previous acts of generosity and whether you are devoted to meaningful and charitable causes. Re-evaluate where you have allocated trust that wasn’t earned or lowered your energetic boundaries for people who are passionate about receiving but hesitant to give. Do not surrender to the mystifying words of someone who wants you to compromise your values or lower your standards. Your energy, attention, resources, and love are precious; allocate them wisely.
Read on, using your rising sign, for more guidance. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here.
Your time on this earth is precious and too short not to live fully, fearlessly, and passionately. Let this spirit of this heart-centered season remind you of who you are and your highest potential. Avoid altering your image in the vision of who others expect you to be, and fall back in love with your authentic essence. Reconnect with yourself and unveil the hidden desires that silently motivate you. The deeper you go into the unconscious caves of your mind, the stronger your self-awareness will grow.
Fiercely clinging to memories that have wounded your heart fuels patterns of self-sabotage. If you yearn for honest connections, turn the lens on yourself first. Acknowledge the walls of fear that cage you in, keeping you from relinquishing control. The universe calls you to assess the shared values and dreams that form the foundation of your community. When strengthening your bond with people who nourish your spirit, you may realize the value of a former friend or collaborator who no longer holds a physical presence in your life. Will you let go or reach out?
A passionate reconnection with an abandoned dream or former friend will charge your energetic battery. Don’t compromise who you are for a sense of belonging. Remember how good it feels to be rooted in the presence of someone who acknowledges the real you — where conversations are raw and unfiltered, and your wild ambitions aren’t considered too much. Reconsider the alignment of recent career opportunities or ambitious ideas that have put a sparkle in your eye. Are you senselessly chasing success or moving in tune with a higher purpose that offers genuine fulfillment? Reflect on your growing legacy and discover which path is yours.
When your career is aligned with your deepest desires, everything will change. You won’t need to force your presence or push for validation or recognition. The spotlight will find you and your fierce passion will prove you are destined to occupy positions of leadership and authority. This is how you fill your life with purpose. Pursuing what lights you up must take priority over worldly success or proving your capabilities. Re-explore your faith as philosophical considerations shift your beliefs and principles. A book or mindful practice that changed your life in the past may be just what you need to recentre.
Venus retrograde offers a spiritual experience. Re-evaluate your beliefs and moral principles and whether they are rooted in compassion or the assumption that others are exactly like you are. If the allure of investing in formal education or an overseas adventure tugs at your heart, remember that a spiritual retreat can unfold right at home. Avoid impulsive investments. Review your heart-centered and contractual partnerships, and consider whether they meet your needs. A balance is needed to ensure you are satisfied today and fulfilled tomorrow.
Love is a journey guaranteed to crack your heart wide open again and again. But your sensitive heart and courage to lean toward intimacy is a gift to treasure. Kiss away the pain, trust issues, or self-sacrificing that distance you from the love you deserve. Blissful fantasies of an old partnership may cast the illusion that your love story is unfinished. But the universe makes no mistakes. It is not their arrival that signals unfinished business, but your attachment to solely beautiful memories that illuminates deeper karmic lessons. Are you more bound to your past than you are committed to your future?
Love is not just romantic displays but how you show up day after day with an open, devoted, and committed heart. The universe is holding up a mirror. Peek through and discover the truth about the imbalance of your present and past connections – where you have fallen short of meeting your partner's needs or failed to communicate your own. Gradually, you are re-evaluating the fulfillment gained through your priorities. Are you giving too much of your sacred energy away to support others or cultivating a life that pleases you? A chapter of reprioritization is in store.
Recommit to living passionately. Imbue more heart and soul into your routine by aligning with meaningful projects and pursuits. Rather than over-extending yourself, harness this season to tend to your self-care and health. As your love life moves into focus, so does the over-romanticization of a past that was once pleasing but no longer fits in with your present reality. Follow the waves of your inspiration back to a childhood passion, creative idea, or hobby that has slipped away with time.
Hurling yourself toward projects and hobbies reminiscent of childhood joys will reignite a lost spark. Awaken your youthful, passionate, and playful spirit. Remember how good it feels to be alive and actively participating in your story rather than aimlessly drifting through space. As Venus retrograde emphasizes love, notice how self-isolation has robbed you of opportunities to forge powerful connections — both romantic and familial. Are you prioritizing comfort over expansion?
Are you expressing yourself from the heart or building defensive barriers to protect your hidden vulnerability? The answer may lie in your childhood experiences. Observe your romantic patterns that have emerged from a wounded place, where you believe you are better off alone or incapable of meeting someone who accepts all of you — the resilient leader and sensitive lover. Your heart is luring you back to an environment that feels like home or a family member who is nurturing and safe. These precious moments of reconnection will reactivate lost inspiration and forgotten ideas and remind you where you feel most at ease.
It is better to be trusted for your truth than liked for your silence, but honesty comes in different forms. It takes true mastery to wield words that bridge a divide rather than fuel separation. Re-evaluate your communication style. Challenge the assumptions that make it difficult to connect with patience in your heart. Reconsider whether you are creating space for open-hearted conversations or whether your judgment or fleeting attention causes others to feel unsafe to open up. When the cosmic spotlight shifts toward your financial patterns, Venus asks that you understand your worth beyond the treasured symbols of success in this material realm.
Everything rests upon the foundation of your self-worth. What you collect and accumulate in this world speaks to your internal alignment. Pay close attention. Delays in payments and receiving rewards or finding a lost belonging will unveil the truth of your desires and attitude toward material symbols of achievement. Adjust your values and transform your definition of love and success. Make sure they mirror your true essence, not who the world wants you to be. As you reflect on whether you embody the love you seek from others and the skills people are willing to invest in, you’ll realign your reality with the life of your dreams.