The New Supermoon In Capricorn, 2022 Is Your Chance To Take The Slow & Steady Road To Success

Forget About New Year’s Resolutions, Now Is The Perfect Time To Set Intentions For 2023

This powerful supermoon in goal-oriented Capricorn will align on December 23, 2022, in the Saturn-ruled 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorn energy is serious-minded, grounded, and responsible, so expect to feel more in control and motivated to set new intentions that will lead you to success. Consider what you'd like to achieve by July 2023 (as this is when the upcoming full moon in Capricorn will end the current chapter you're beginning now), and condense your big visions into simplified and manageable steps. However, beware of moving too fast and becoming tempted by the allure of instant gratification.

The new moon phase signifies the beginning of a new lunar cycle and an energetic reset that influences emotional changes within you. These internal transformations will empower you to influence your external reality by wiping the slate clean and embarking on a new beginning. As a Supermoon, this new moon will be twice as powerful and influential as the Moon will come closer to the Earth in its elliptical orbit.

Focus On Growth And Steady Progression

New moons intertwine your emotions with your desires, fuelling your enthusiasm to start fresh and call in new opportunities and experiences. However, Capricorn is the Moon's detriment position, where it feels most uncomfortable and disempowered, so you aren't likely to experience heightened emotions at this time. Instead, you may put your feelings aside to handle matters logically, pragmatically, and productively. Though valid, feelings, doubts, and worries can often cause you to become stagnant, distracted, or stuck in the past, and the Capricorn new moon is all about presence and making slow and steady progress. Be methodical and calculated when forging a new pathway forward, and focus on what's truly important.

Depending on your zodiac sign, you’ll set new goals and intentions in a unique area of your life during this new moon. Click here to read your horoscope for more insight.

Don’t Let The Long Road Ahead Discourage You

The New Moon in Capricorn will square off with Jupiter — the planet of philosophy, luck, and expansion — generating internal tensions and challenges for you to confront. You may feel confident and prepared to make wiser decisions on how to get ahead in life now that you have a higher level of maturity and lived experience to inform your planning and strategy. However, while you may see the value in taking a slow and calculated approach to your goals, this may conflict with your instinct to take a leap of faith and rush ahead. Making steady progress on your goals will ensure the longevity and success of what you're working toward. Make sure your actions and decisions are well thought through, and most importantly, don’t let the long road ahead discourage you.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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