The Sun Conjunct Pluto, 2024 Fundamentally Alters Your Identity – Here’s Your Horoscope

Instigate lasting-change to your life as the Sun and Pluto empower your rebirth

There are few cosmic occasions as life-changing as Plutonian alignments. Ruling over destruction and renewal, Pluto unleashes a volcanic power, forcing extreme transformation wherever its shadow reaches. From January 17 to January 24, 2024, Pluto aligns with the Sun in Capricorn and Aquarius, bringing its unconscious energy to the forefront of your awareness. Change is no longer operating within the depths of your being but right up-front for everyone to witness your growth. The Sun rules over your sense of self and life force; it represents your ego and natural state of being. The combined energy of the Sun and Pluto’s conjunction influences a breakdown of everything you are not so that you can rediscover who you are. Allow the fundamental altering of your identity to unfold, and through this process, wave goodbye to the fears, false identities, and internal barriers that have distanced you from your core and center.

Be true to who you are

The Sun and Pluto’s conjunction in Capricorn signifies you are forging a new legacy. However, it warns you not to engage in power plays with other people while stepping into your power and authority. Expect to garner stronger reactions from people who can sense a shift in your presence, attitude, and behavior. Align with your most authentic mode of expression – the most empowered version of you who you are proud to be. To exercise full control over your reality and live a life that is true to yourself, consider whether you have followed someone else’s goals, dreams, or ambitions. Subtle influences from family, societal pressures, or trending ideas in the collective can be more impactful than you imagine. Create a list of actions and steps you will immediately take to be fully reborn.

Break habitual patterns of expression

The Sun and Pluto’s conjunction reaches the height of its power on January 21 in Aquarius. The second chapter of this evolutionary cosmic story provokes you to envision the future you are transforming through present actions and intentions. Every time the echoes of your past infiltrate your mind, you choose whether to allow it to discourage you or motivate you to influence change. As the light of the Sun reveals your mysterious layers, secrets, fears, and compulsions that were otherwise unconscious, consider what your life could be if you broke your habitual patterns. How will you approach life in a new way? What will manifest in your future if you go all-in on your self-betterment journey? Identify the qualities that do not represent your best self and take action to instigate your evolution.

Use your Sun sign and your rising sign, to read more about how you will experience this cosmic alignment. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


To transform your life, you must develop your endurance and ability to see your ambitions through to the finish line. Only then will you see your wildest dreams actualized and awaken to your greatest potential.


To transform your life, you must have the courage to admit that you are a student of life and not the most knowledgeable in every scenario. Only then will you soften the hardened channels of your mind, allowing for brilliant, career-defining ideas to flow in.


To transform your life, you must take a responsible and proactive approach to healing. Only then will you see beyond life’s pressures and gain wise insight from the larger picture of your purpose and destiny.


To transform your life, break down the walls that keep others away from your heart and release the pain of past heartbreaks. Only then will you manifest intimate and soul-aligned connections rooted in trust, mutual respect, and authenticity.


To transform your life, you must maintain a healthy existence with attention paid to work-life balance, the consistency of your routines, and rest. Only then will you have the capacity to show up fully in your dream relationships.


To transform your life, you must end the cycle of self-sabotage and breaking your own spirit. Only then will your energetic channels align, allowing for healing to take place mentally, physically, and spiritually.


To transform your life, you must heal your unconscious instinct to take responsibility for resolving other’s problems. Only then will you find lasting joy and forge romantic connections that aren’t ingrained with the same co-dependent coding.


To transform your life, you must break the pattern of falling back on rigid attitudes and perspectives that are harsh, pessimistic, or controlling. Only then will you find peace and discover true liberation.


To transform your life, you must construct a disciplined plan of how you will grow your earnings. Only then will you experience true freedom and the readiness to step into your destined role as a teacher and guide.


To transform your life, you must renew your outlook on life and reorient to a soul-aligned path. Only then will you heal your fractured self-worth and attract work that leads to great wealth and comfort.


To transform your life, you must dismantle patterns of harsh judgment, critique, and cynicism. Only then will you feel free in this world and inspired to construct your ideal reality without limitations.


To transform your life, you must set grounded intentions and expectations. Only then will you enjoy the process of breathing life into your dreams without the added pressures of preventable mental health challenges.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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