North Node In Pisces, South Node In Virgo 2025-2026


n January 11, 2025, the lunar nodes shift their cosmic axis, weaving a new karmic thread to guide the collective toward growth and expansion. The North (ascending) Node, symbolizing destiny, enters ethereal Pisces, and the South (descending) Node, symbolizing fate, will move into analytical Virgo. Calculated from the intersection of the Moon’s orbital path and the Sun’s annual passage, the lunar nodes are abstract points carrying great astrological significance. The axis of the lunar nodes and the influence of their ascending and descending energy point toward societal trends, areas for collective growth, and the direction in which we will evolve and regress as a global unit. 

The celestial balance of the nodes in Pisces and Virgo guides us toward July 26/27, 2026, marking a 19-month journey of deepening our faith and healing the narrow awareness that lures us toward unhealthy patterns. Gradually, we are addressing the impact of harsh standards and rigid perfectionism – how it drives our unsustainable relationship with work, productivity, and the endless mission to self-improve. The universe will illuminate patterns of narrow-mindedness, martyrdom, and our attachment to the labels we wear to signify our suffering.

Lessons From The Old Paradigm

As we enter a new evolutionary cycle, the universe calls for a moment of reflection on the journey that has led us here. The Aries-Libra nodal axis (July 17, 2023, to January 11, 2025) emphasized the need to heal the divine masculine polarity in the collective. Balancing individuality with an honest understanding of the raw human need for closeness and relationships, we were tasked to honor what is best for ourselves without destabilizing our unions. Consider whether you have veered too far toward code-pendency or lived in denial of your heart’s desire for connection. The Aries North Node demanded courage and autonomy – the confidence to act in your best interest, take the initiative, and pioneer change in your life. Meanwhile, the Libra South Node unveiled patterns of over-compromise and how you normalize bonds that overlook the importance of self-responsibility. Now, we leave behind the flames and immerse ourselves in Piscean waters, from assertion to surrender.


The North Node In Pisces

The North Node, a divine symbol of evolution, finds itself in gentle Pisces – a sensitive cosmic realm co-ruled by wise Jupiter and mystical Neptune. Moving toward the Pisces North Node may be uncomfortable as the universe lures you deeper into pools of compassion, intuition, acceptance, and trust. This is your sign to soften and acknowledge the sacred interconnectedness of life and confirm this truth through the feelings evoked when you bear your vulnerable heart (or as others open up to you). Acknowledge the similarities in other people’s stories, how they mirror your journey, and echo higher truths that we are more alike than we are different – unique compositions of the same energy stream that flows through all things.

The road to a better life is paved with lessons on nurturing your creativity and sustaining a childlike wonder and awe of the universe’s intricate beauty. Savor every drop of happiness. Draw out your joy evoked from serendipitous moments for as long as possible. Practice forgiveness – of others but most importantly yourself. As this romantic, selfless, and inspired energy imprints itself on humanity, expect greater human rights advocacy and a heartfelt yearning to serve the collective. Challenges to navigate the fine line between faith and illusion will carry us into a new spiritual paradigm in which we recognize that true, grounded wisdom arrives when we treasure our precious human existence and infinite souls equally.


The South Node In Virgo

The South Node, signifying your karmic past and energies that are second nature, takes root in responsible and dutiful Virgo, a logical cosmic terrain ruled by Mercury. The South Node highlights the energies that prevent you from moving into a higher and more vibrant reality – comfortable frequencies that quietly make life more difficult to navigate. Over-analysis; the illusion of perfectionism that inspires your habits; and a hardened literalism that detaches you from imagination, intuition, and creativity are spotlighted by the descending node. The universe urges you to confront your compulsion to ‘fix’ yourself or others and realize that acceptance and self-compassion are the gateway to true love and improvement. There is no end point or moment of completion, just continuous evolution.

On a global level, the Virgo south node challenges our instinct to criticize ourselves and others. It exposes the flaws in our attitude toward work and health rituals and regimes. Through this nodal alignment, we will remember that what we do in life must not be divorced from a higher purpose if we want a fulfilling existence and a thriving society. As our focus shifts from productivity to presence, we will grow distant from patterns and environments that no longer feel aligned. We mustn’t abandon realism, efficiency, and hard work but recognize when the structures that sustained us begin to restrict our growth. The discerning Virgoan energy ushers us toward a holistic view of health, encouraging us to develop a unique relationship with our bodies and recognize what wellness means to us individually.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, and Aries Sun who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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