America’s Rare Pluto Return Will Transform The Country’s Reputation, Structure & Political Landscape

When Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on October 6, its retrograde motion will end, bringing karmic lessons relating to how authority figures and power dynamics in society are perceived. This dynamic energetic shift will foreshadow America's first Pluto return, which will come into full effect next year when transiting Pluto crosses natal Pluto in the United States birth chart (yes, countries have them too!) Pluto returns are incredibly rare as they only happen every 248 years (approximately) due to Pluto's distance from the Sun.

America Is Currently Undergoing Major Structural Changes

When Pluto stations direct, it will reside in the USA's second house of money, security, and resources, opposing America's natal Mercury in the Cancerian 8th house or transformation and rebirth. Pluto opposite Mercury alludes to significant decision-making related to the saving and sharing of finances. These conversations aren't likely to be made public, but they will have intense impacts, creating market shifts, discussions of wage changes, and more power struggles that emphasize political division. The parties involved in these conversations will seek to do what is best for the overall power, significance, wealth, and legacy of the country, even if this brings no benefit to the people who serve the country and its systems.

The End Of Pluto Retrograde Will Influence American Power Structures

Pluto, now in direct motion in Capricorn, will harmonize with Neptune in Virgo in America's 10th astrological house, causing changing dreams and aspirations for the nation. Dramatic transformations of America's reputation could unfold, and financial and trade discussions may be pushed forth by the unwavering optimism that America would be able to sustain itself with minimal support from its allies. This separation may not sit well with other nations, world leaders, or even citizens.

The 24th degree of Capricorn, where Pluto stations direct, is subtly influenced by the ego-driven power of the Sun. This added layer of energy reveals that American leaders may approach financial and political discussions from a place of selfishness rather than balancing their wants with how they can serve the needs of others. Everything revealed after this dramatic cosmic alignment may feel disappointing but unsurprising as you may have already begun to spot major flaws in the structures and systems of America, which Pluto in Capricorn has emphasized.

America's Pluto Return Will Also Influence Other Nation's Perceptions Of The Country

Publicly supporting American leaders, financial decisions, or politics could become increasingly negative from the perspective of citizens across the world. This reaction is much like what occurred during Donald Trump’s presidency, where European residents protested during his state visits, despite not being directly influenced by his leadership. Everything that we witness on a structural and societal level in America will foreshadow what’s to come next year when transiting Pluto aligns with America’s natal Pluto in Capricorn — signifying the beginning of the country's slow-burning Pluto Return. Get ready for a continuation of huge transformations, upheaval, and structural changes!

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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