The Solar Eclipse In Gemini 2021 Will Push You To Have Conversations You’ve Been Avoiding

Eclipse season refers to the initiation of annual eclipses (new moons and full moons) which unfold in conjunction with the nodal axis. Eclipses often have a scary reputation as the cosmic energy that they exude is chaotic and unpredictable. However, the power that they carry is enough to fast-track our spiritual evolution and realign us with our destiny. Eclipses represent past life karma and our stride towards our destiny. They create inevitable and sometimes abrupt and destructive changes that don't always make sense at first.

The Gemini Eclipse Brings A New Perspective

Last month, we had a dramatic super flower blood moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This Eclipse was the first of 2021 and it called us to challenge and change our own belief systems. This month, however, on June 10 we'll have an annular solar eclipse in the polarising sign, Gemini. This new moon eclipse won't be working alone as Mercury will be in close conjunction with the Sun and Moon— this alignment is known as a Cazimi. Mercury — the ruler of Gemini — will still be retrograding and moving closer to the solar eclipse.

The solar eclipse will symbolize a spiritual reset, a new beginning, and a push to explore new terrain where knowledge and short-term travel are concerned. There's an emphasis on being authentic when dealing with early communication (at the start of ideas and projects or meeting new people). However, with Mercury still in retrograde, expect some confusion or hesitance regarding what you want and what you think you know. Eclipses along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis bring lessons through the understanding that one cannot have all the answers. It's here that the eclipse will teach us that the knowledge and information we think we have is only relative to our experiences and cannot be spread as the grand truth.

Brace Yourself For Misunderstandings

Delays, discomfort, and timidness will be fuelled by Mercury retrograde alongside Mars' opposition with Pluto. Whilst Pluto is forcing us to take powerful action and dominate a new terrain, Mars in Cancer is more timid and concerned with making the right movements that suit themselves and others. Expect to feel conflicted, indecisive, and unable to translate your thoughts into reflective words and actions under the weight of the eclipse. Miscommunications may have the power to sever ties or shift opinions entirely. Similarly, we may have a greater influence in shaping ideas and initiating the uncomfortable conversations that have been avoided up until this point.


A change in opinion or perspective could trigger a total re-direction in your life. Expand beyond what you think you know and prepare to surprise others as well as yourself. A change in your mentality could soothe any stresses in your everyday environment or between you and your siblings or neighbors.


A financial restart is heading your way, but this could bring anxiety concerning destabilization. There are important lessons here for you to learn in the impermanence of materialism. Find new ways to measure your confidence and success outside of materialism. Seek the support that you need from your inner circle to re-align with your financial and material goals.


This eclipse yields the power to radically transform your personal development. Take this as an opportunity to adjust your approach to life with greater fluidity and acceptance of who you are. The unexpected clearances of obstacles will cause changes to your energy, presence, and self-esteem. This could invigorate you to shift other's opinions of you (for the better). Make the most of it!


Mental and psychological healing will be easier to achieve as the eclipse closes difficult chapters in your life. Use this opportunity to repair and replenish yourself and to reconnect to your spirituality. Focus on releasing any psychological fears and obsessions stored within the psyche. This will allow you to release any karmic struggles to separate what you feel from what you think.


You may find that your dreams and aspirations change. Try not to hold onto outdated goals and visions. Trust that the universe is re-directing your focus to bring you closer to things that are in better alignment with your destiny. The eclipse will also bring forth new connections with people who are here to challenge your perspectives to help your self-development— these relationships will carry a karmic essence.


Prepare for your family/parental dynamics to shift as you overcome limiting ideas concerning responsibility, reputation, and authority that have caused an unhealthy balance between your outer and inner self. Learning to sit back and allow the universe to take control is a deeply karmic lesson in itself. Changes to your career, reputation, and long-term goals will bring recognition and put an end to any feelings of dissatisfaction and boredom.


Open yourself up to the prospect of deep explorations of the self away from your current location. A dramatic change in scenery will bring wisdom and will allow you to expand mentally, culturally, and spiritually. Re-establish your moral code and beliefs, and embrace the cycle of re-assessment. This eclipse will instill you with greater abilities to shape others’ minds— adopt this teaching role responsibly.


The karmic shadow of this eclipse could be overwhelming. This is the final stage of a difficult rebirth in which you are shedding old layers and initiating healthier unions that are based on psychological intimacy rather than power or guilt. The re-activation of your psychic gifts will come with opportunities to resolve your problems concerning debts and shared assets. Ready yourself to receive intuitive guidance from spirit.


Focus on your personal, one-on-one interactions and how this influences long-term changes to your partnerships. What's authentic and destined will strengthen, leaving any other partnerships of yours to crumble as necessary. This process cannot be rushed or avoided; accept reality and any newly unveiled truths with confidence and grace. Remember that you rarely have the full story or whole picture of any situation.


Changes to your physical or mental/psychological health will frame your relationship with work and achievement in a new light. Establishing healthier routines and practices will pave the way to more working opportunities or an ease to work-related challenges. This eclipse could open the doors to new, soul-aligning work. Don't let the shadows of nervousness sour good things before they have a chance to manifest!


Changes to the things that bring you joy in life (your children, the person you're dating, your creative endeavors) will prompt you to adapt your understanding of honest self-expression. Use this cosmic restart to create balance in your energy exchanges by putting yourself out there more (emotionally). Initiating the conversations that you usually struggle to navigate through will allow you to create a deeper, loving connection to your inner self.


The release of long-held stresses that have caused you psychological turmoil could trigger positive changes to your emotions and within your home and family unit. Establish new roots and foundations based on honesty and compassion. Expect closure to wounds rooted in your childhood experiences and open yourself up to re-establish a new home elsewhere (literally or the emotional feeling of home/security).

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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