The 3 Types Of Capricorns & What Makes Them So Different

Capricorns Are Known For Their Ambition, Resilience, And Maturity

However, they aren’t all the same despite being born during Capricorn season (from December 22 to January 19). All Capricorns share a ruling planet — Saturn, which governs karma, responsibility, and discipline — but they have unique co-ruling planets depending on the decan of Capricorn season in which they were born. Decans are a further division of each zodiac sign that offers more insight into why people who share the same Sun sign are so different. So, a Capricorn born during the beginning of Capricorn season (aka, the first decan) is dissimilar from a Capricorn born during the middle or end of the season (under the second or third decan). Here’s what you need to know about Capricorn decans and co-ruling planets.

It’s important to check your birth chart for the precise placement (by degree) of your Sun! Dates may vary as Capricorn Season dates shift.

Capricorns Born From December 22 To 31

If you were born during the first decan of Capricorn season, you are co-ruled by Jupiter — the planet of philosophy, opportunities, and prosperity. You are wise beyond your years and are guided through life by your strong moral compass and unwavering purpose. However, due to Jupiter’s expansive and inflationary energy, people may view you as overpowering or believe you are too self-interested. Despite having a tremendous work ethic and an enterprising nature, you are also likely to attract abundant opportunities, respect, and rewards by chance. You are a natural leader and teacher, so you must learn not to take offense when others try to copy you — take it as a compliment!

Capricorns Born From January 1 To 10

Mars is your co-ruling planet if you were born during the second decan of Capricorn season. You are the most willing to work hard and have immeasurable strength and resilience, allowing you to overcome even the most troubling hurdles. However, just because you can endure hardships and make overcoming them look easy doesn’t mean your upward climb in life has to be treacherous for it to be worth it. You may be likely to become too rigid, bossy, and cold when in positions of power and authority. Nevertheless, people admire your dependability, control, diligence, and accountability.

Capricorns Born From January 11 To 19

As a third decan Capricorn, you are the most confident and likely to be famous for your position as a leader or authority figure. You stand out without trying and have enviable passion and ambition, which drives you forward long after others have given up. Humility will be an important life lesson for you as too much pride could convince others that you are insufficiently concerned with them and more wrapped up in yourself. You may also need to remember that you aren’t the only person who knows what’s good for others. Despite this, it’s no surprise that people hold so much respect for you. Your loyalty, persistence, and self-belief are inspiring.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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