Everything You Need To Know About Venus In Virgo: Be Dutiful, Supportive & Accepting

Venus In Virgo Wants You To Learn To Be More Loving, Supportive, And Encouraging

Getting in touch with your helpful side, you’re moved by a new purpose as Venus transits Virgo: to support and serve the people you care about. Rigid and pragmatic Earth sign, Vigo paves a restrictive path for Venus – the planet of love, connection, values, and affection – to tread, reducing Venus’ romantic energy and foreshadowing trouble ahead when letting things go in your love life. As the zodiac sign where Venus is in fall, this upcoming chapter – from October 8 to November 8, 2023 – brings you to face harsh truths that the criticism you direct toward others mirrors how you are unkind to yourself. Taking extra care to soothe tensions in your relationships created by the harshness of your standards and expectations, you are learning what it means to love selflessly and patiently.

Offer Advice From A Place Of Love

Troubled by an inability to express your love with poetic and compassionate words, you are striving to show others how you feel through meaningful acts of service. Offering to run errands for your loved ones and help them with chores or work projects that lessen their workload and affirm that you care. You are a pillar of strength and support to those who respect and admire you, and you are keeping the intentions behind your dutiful assistance pure – working to elevate others and encourage their self-improvement rather than crediting yourself for their growth. Unsolicited feedback, though well-intended, won’t be received well by people who can sense the judgment laced into your words of advice.

You are coming to see that intolerance to the imperfections that make people beautifully human reflects your internal struggles to be enough for yourself. Loving yourself without conditions and silencing your crippling inner voice that hyper-fixates on your faults and flaws is the key to opening your heart to others, showing up in all the ways they need you without unconscious projections of your inner feelings. A renewed acknowledgment of how you have been harsh and unloving with your words drives you to lead with an honest yet gentle touch. Led by your grounded and responsible mind, you are learning that constructive feedback does not have to be unkind to be received and that it’s okay for you to vocalize when you aren’t responsive to the way others deliver their advice.

Budget Responsibly

As the planetary ruler of acquisition and luxuries, Venus in hardworking Virgo invites you to alter the management of the finances and resources you have earned through diligent labor. Practicing patience and control, you are living modestly this season, meeting the primary needs that ground you into a deep state of comfort and security before treating yourself. Living within the guidelines of a supportive budget and efficient routine is keeping you in check while illuminating where and when you are able to go the extra mile, showing gestures of generosity and support to others without overextending yourself to be of service. Reprioritizing and honing in on your core values, which now relate to health and well-being, you are taking extra care to observe how a love for working hard and proving your worth has taken its toll on your body.

If You Were Born With Venus In Virgo

A native born with Venus in Mercury-ruled Virgo faces restrained and incompatible energy in their love life. This steers them toward extra soul training and missions to relax into the calming embrace of the people they love, relinquishing the exceedingly high standards that keep them from forming intimate unions. Unconsciously keeping others at arm's length with a hyper-alertness to potential red flags, Venus in Virgo natives must strike a balance between protecting their heart from those whose hands are unsafe to hold it without making it impossible for people to earn their trust. Standing guard over their feelings as a mode of protection casts the illusion that they lack warmth, sensitivity, and generosity. But nothing goes unnoticed by them, not even subtle changes to their loved one’s appearances and efforts made to deepen romantic bonds.

Unbeknownst to the unconscious Venus in Virgo native, their romantic journey is one of self-love, as this is where their ability to love others is sourced. Controlled and orderly, they methodically sort through their emotions, carefully shortlisting which aspects of their soul they are willing to bear to others without realizing they’re also holding back from themselves, denying their soul the freedom of boundless expression. When a Venus in Virgo native realizes their worth and that they are not an incomplete art project but already a masterpiece, they will see the raw beauty in others and understand that they must pursue love for love's sake and not to feel useful and feed underlying inferiority complexes.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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