Your Aquarius Season 2023 Horoscope — What Your Zodiac Sign Should Expect

Innovative Aquarius Season will begin on January 20, 2023, urging you to seek comfort within a network of friends or a like-minded community. Aquarius is the 11th archetype and fixed air sign of the zodiac. It has the resilience and reliability of the fixed modality, and the intellectual and independent spirit of the air element. The Aquarius archetype is rebellious, charitable, and great with problem-solving. It plays by the rules until the rules no longer make sense, then it doesn’t hold back when revolutionizing the whole game.

The dual nature of the Aquarius archetype is due to its two ruling planets; serious Saturn, the planet that governs maturity and responsibility, and unpredictable Uranus, which oversees awakenings and breakthroughs. With this combined energy of the season, you’re likely to feel empowered and liberated. Focus on improving your life and your surroundings, and prioritize freedom and self-responsibility.  

Use your rising sign to read your horoscope before you read for your sun sign. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.


Aries, use this season to get closer to your friends and networks, and seek out community spaces to connect with people who share your interests. Your eye may be on the future during visionary Aquarius Season. Start brainstorming new ideas that you’d like to achieve this year and challenge yourself to do as many charitable deeds as possible.


It’s totally fine if you aren’t currently in your dream career, Taurus (but kudos to you if you are). Harness the energy of this responsible season to envision a new pathway forward that will lead you to your next professional milestone. Remember, you don’t have to take the route everyone else has taken. Think outside of the box and channel your inner genius.


Aquarius season will prompt you to reflect on your personal philosophies. Working on your ability to understand others will allow you to access your higher mind and bring new and profound spiritual breakthroughs. Work on your tolerance — especially in conversations with people you disagree with — and remember that two things can be true at once.


Find the right balance between being independent and uniting with others, Cancer. Your intuition is your gift; you don’t need others to give you the answers you already know. However, when embarking on your healing journey and breaking free of internal judgments, it’s okay to lean on your friends and loved ones for support and objective guidance. 


Aquarius season means it's time to focus on your committed partnerships and romantic relationships, Leo. A strong foundation of friendship and respect for each other's individuality will fuel your powerful connection. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner how you can meet more of their needs. Your thoughtfulness will remind them why they value you and your relationship so much!


Virgo, you’ll find that you accomplish far more when you team up with people and delegate tasks rather than trying to do everything yourself this season. Divide your errands up, and don’t be afraid to ask someone for a favor; they won’t judge you in the ways you might think. Engaging in conversations with a stranger could leave you with a renewed perspective of other people’s unique experiences. 


You may find yourself drawn to the dating scene this Aquarius season. Now’s your chance to be your authentic self and attract people who adore the real you. Be unfiltered, be raw, and love your flaws and quirks — if you can’t, how can you expect someone else to? Sudden and creative ideas this season could manifest as a new passion project. Write all your ideas down, as you never know which one will be your biggest breakthrough yet.


Scorpio, you cannot break free until you acknowledge how you have held yourself back. Consider whether the roots that keep you grounded are also causing you to feel stuck. This Aquarius season, drop the excuses and put self-discipline and inner peace at the top of your agenda. Freedom will come when you learn to cooperate, mentally adapt, and keep your eye on the future.


People may pay more attention to what you have to say this season, so make sure you say something important. An impulse to advocate on behalf of others could lead you to people and communities who share your outlook. Keep an open mind during Aquarius season and allow your intuitive brilliance to draw you toward new truths.


Your work ethic and determination are undeniable, Capricorn, but this season will challenge you to think outside the box and be a little less predictable. Switch up your daily routine and assess the impact that this has on your work, income, and self-esteem. Get innovative rather than working on auto-pilot, and remember, there are many pathways that will lead you to success.


With the Sun illuminating your zodiac sign, the spotlight will be on you, Aquarius. You may feel outgoing and free-spirited this season. But make sure you allow time to deepen your self-understanding. Your individual experiences are just as important as knowing what’s going on with your friends. Who are you when you’re away from a crowd? 


Pisces, this Aquarius season will be a healing month for you. Explore new ways to improve your emotional well-being and avoid trendy healing practices, quick fixes, or escapism. The way forward will be illuminated when you connect to your inner authority and intuition. Mindfulness practices will allow you to connect with your higher mind. 


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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