New Supermoon In Aquarius: Change Starts In Your Mind Before It Manifests Externally

Let the sweet taste of liberation guide you to express your individuality under the new moon

No longer molding yourself to suit others’ expectations, you are asserting a new beginning on February 9 or February 10, 2024 (according to your time zone), as the energizing new moon reaches peak luminosity. Classified as a supermoon due to its closeness to Earth, the new moon in Aquarius is swirling in the same area of your life where you reclaimed your power and independence last month. The disruptive and intense design of the Aquarius new moon creates space for surprises and the start of something new. If you have prayed for a life of authenticity, you must release everything that doesn't resonate with your wishes and give into redirections without resistance. This cosmic renewal urges you to find your voice, build toward a great dream, and align with a conscious community or network of friends that celebrate your uniqueness.

Your presence will align with your emotions 

Aquarius is the futurist of the zodiac. The non-conformist. The grounded and optimistic air sign. The new moon lunar phase is an omen to fresh starts, setting intentions, and calling in new energy to support your upcoming 6-month-long journey. As the Sun (representing your presence and consciousness) and the Moon (representing your feelings and emotions) join hands at 20° Aquarius, realize that the state of your inner being influences your external reality. This enlightening new moon takes the form of an intellectual reset. You cannot seize new opportunities and build your castles in the sky without trusting your authority. The changes you are manifesting in the material realm will arrive the moment you honor your original thoughts and ideas and learn to feel empowered under your self-governance.

Discover who you are

Uranus, the modern ruling planet of Aquarius, sits in stubborn Taurus, squaring up to the new moon in a tense alignment. Bringing an air of uncertainty, unpredictability, and chaos, Uranus unearths the question: “Who are you really?”. Realigning with yourself and understanding what you want out of life may feel challenging when forced to cope with sudden redirections or the intense pressure to affect change in your life. Your fixed understanding of yourself is holding you back. Push beyond the edge of your comfort zone and realize the only way to discover who you are is to surrender to new experiences that teach you who you are not.

Discomfort is a sign of growth

Boundary-loving Saturn, the traditional ruling planet of Aquarius, resides in spiritual Pisces and connects to abundant Jupiter. Also reaching out to Jupiter is Mercury – the planet of mindset and intellect. Dive deep into the folds of your mind to explore how you have allowed other people’s energy to interfere with your decisions and self-expression. Allow electric breakthroughs and creative inspiration to inspire you to act in new ways. You may shock people as you come into your power, but freeing yourself from mental prisons will reconnect you to your highest state of being. The greatest obstacle limiting your progress is your inability to withstand discomfort long enough to see the brilliant outcomes of change.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, and Aries Sun who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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