Black Moon Lilith In Scorpio 2025: Reclaiming Your Repressed Emotions


he raw and primal force of your feminine spirit awakens from March 26 to December 20, 2025. Dark Moon Lilith, the embodiment of wild and untamed power, slips into underworld Scorpio. Instigating a new chapter for shadow work and self-liberation, Lilith in Scorpio teaches us not to demonize the darkness within but to befriend it and enrich our understanding of the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences.

Lilith, the Dark Moon, is not a celestial entity but an elusive point in the cosmos—an echo of the Moon’s furthest distance from Earth. It represents your instinctual passion for life and the glimmer of your soul that refuses to submit to external control. Lilith is the darkness incarnate—a void beyond the influence of light. Passionate, powerful, and boldly defiant. 

Where Lilith hones its fixation is where you are feeling the pressure to rise against whatever (or whoever) silences your truth. In private, provoking, and perceptive Scorpio, this force is deeply internalized. It may be your own worries and suspicions that cloak your emotions in mystery. An over-anticipation of threats or rejections that shadow your sexual urges. Or societal expectations that bury your passions and desires.

What To Expect From Lilith In Scorpio

Over the coming 9 months, transiting planets will unleash Black Moon Lilith’s fierceness, dredging up uncomfortable feelings that lurk within our subconscious. Paranoia and fear. Vengeance and possessiveness. Suppressed energy and demonized emotions rattle beneath moody exteriors. You may notice a growing intensity in people’s reactions and impulses, or perhaps your own, during moments of vulnerability. Maybe even a lethal front or attack when having your deepest emotions exposed feels like a dangerous threat. But Lilith demands acceptance of what remains hidden. 

How To Work With Lilith In Scorpio

Black Moon Lilith in stormy Scorpio teaches us that rage is born of repression. When you live in denial of your inner darkness, you split yourself in two: the 'self' that cannot help but react and feel deeply and the 'self' that denies its authentic expression. Lilith warns that a refusal to meet your emotions with awareness will lead to a lifetime at war with yourself. This eternal battle between your truth and what you've been conditioned to reject can only cause a trail of destruction. Under Lilith’s passionate leadership, you are called to reclaim the darkest sides of yourself. Notice where you betray yourself to maintain an illusion of control. Observe how you stifle your voice or power or strengthen harmful attachments.

Accept the existence of your innermost feelings and yearnings that threaten to burst into flames. This looks like acknowledging taboo reactions and behaviors, like jealousy, without criticism or judgment. There is nothing shameful about the darkest sides of yourself that are human. In facing what feels forbidden, you will heal and rise like a phoenix. You will pour a healing light onto the world as you release bitterness toward others who can express what you can’t. As you overcome the pain of being misunderstood through radical self-acceptance, you will become one who can deeply understand others.



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