Your Venus Return, Explained: Romantic & Heart-Centered Cycles Will Fill You With Love

At the point of your Venus return, a new cycle of love, connection, and reprioritizing begins

If you haven’t heard about your Venus return or ‘revolution’, you may have overlooked significant patterns, cycles, and developments to your values and love life. Your Venus return refers to the moment when planet Venus – overseeing affection, attraction, and connection – reaches the same point in the sky it occupied at the time of your birth. This is an annual cosmic alignment that lasts for up to 3 days, charging heightened activity in your relationships, a new cycle for financial pursuits, and the renewal of your attachments and self-worth. Unlike the far more intense Saturn revolution, your Venus return is supportive and positive by nature, heralding lucky experiences and positive feelings. 

Show yourself some love and take your relationship to the next level

During your Venus return, a clearer vision of what you want and desire will encourage you to take things to the next level in your love life. This is a great day to ask someone out or get serious with your partner. Your Venus return could also influence shifting priorities and attachments. Agreements with a competitor or friend may occur during your Venus return, evoking feelings of harmony and satisfaction. As the planet that governs pleasure, aesthetics, and femininity, Venus will inspire you to show yourself some love and develop your self-esteem. An updated beauty regime, self-care routine, and closet overhaul are perfect ways to utilize the energy of your Venus return.

Not all Venus returns are the same

Venus returns influence you to be more in tune with your Venusian energy, so rather than having a sudden change of heart on matters concerning love, your Venus return will amplify your existing feelings, making them difficult for you (and others) to ignore. If your natal Venus placement is in sensual Taurus, expect more pleasurable experiences or a powerful attraction to someone new in your life. Or, if you were born with a Scorpio Venus, expect to feel more passionate, intense, and selfish about your desires during your Venus return. If you have Venus placed in your 2nd astrological house of material values, or 8th house of inheritance, your Venus return will be characterized by financial renewal and opportunities to consider your material attachments. If Venus resides in your 11th house of networking and dreams, your Venus return will be a powerful day for manifestation and friendship milestones.

The impact of your Venus return is unique to you, so it's essential that you understand where Venus is placed in your birth chart and that you closely follow the planet's movements (or, keep up with our daily astrology forecasts where we keep a close eye on the planets for you).

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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