The Full Moon In Leo, 2023 Will Bring Unexpected Relationship Drama

Prepare for a high-energy end to a chapter in your life and social or relationship drama under this month’s passionate and dramatic full moon in Leo. On February 5 or 6, 2023, the Sun in Aquarius will face off with the Moon in regal and proud Leo, coinciding with cosmic endings, celebrations, or external shifts in your life that will influence your inner being. Conflicting and fluctuating emotions could cause uncertainty around whether you love someone or you're irritated by them. However, with unpredictable Uranus interacting with the full moon, these feelings are likely to be fleeting. Leo energy is all about taking to the spotlight, so you may find yourself in the middle of someone else’s drama or receiving more attention and recognition than you expected.

This Full Moon Will Be Unpredictable Yet Enlightening

Expect clarity and satisfaction in the Leo-represented area of your life (aka, the house in your birth chart encompassed by the Leo zodiac sign). If you’ve been looking for answers, you may experience sudden realizations that aren’t exactly what you expected (or wanted). Nevertheless, you may feel content as you finally get closure that leaves you feeling wiser and enlightened by the truth. The full moon will square off with Uranus — the planet of awakening and unpredictable fluctuations — in steady Taurus, generating internal frustrations and hurdles for you to overcome by accepting sudden and shocking changes in your life that you cannot control. Instead of stressing out or ruminating over disappointments, let things be and release your desire to control outcomes.

Supporting Energies During The Full Moon

Your relationships could grow tense during the full moon in Leo as Venus — the planet of love and values — squares off with Mars — the planet of passion and assertion. Venus in sensitive and understanding Pisces will influence you to feel positive in social settings. However, Mars in Gemini’s challenging connection to Venus will bring moments of passion and irritation where someone may say something that annoys or triggers you.

Mercury’s honest union with Pluto in Capricorn will coincide with the full moon and Venus' connection to Mars. Expect to go back and forth with your feelings, unsure of whether you want to keep the peace with someone or bicker and argue. Meet challenges head-on instead of internalizing your feelings and be upfront when expressing yourself. Stick to the facts to avoid saying something you’ll later regret, and remember that moments of friction will fade away as the emotional highs and lows of this full moon subside.

Click here to read your horoscope for more insight on what you should expect under this tense full moon, especially if you’re a Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius, as you will feel its impact the most!


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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