Full Moon In Leo: Show The World What It Means To celebrate Yourself

A celebration of you is in order – the real you in all your colourful and loving glory

Bringing a heart-centered chapter to a close, the first full moon of 2024 aligns in Leo on January 25. The enthusiastic and dramatic aura of the Leo full moon wills you to move to center stage and let your light shine. Remember how it feels to be your true self; maybe this is a feeling you lost to the rigidity of adulthood, or perhaps you recently lost touch with who you are and gave into disempowering instructions of who you should be. Stand in your power and authority and listen to the warm reassurance of your inner self: everything will align when you are aligned.

An omen to endings, revelations, and closure, the Leo Moon stands off with the Aquarius Sun in a powerful opposition to complete this chapter of self-discovery that began in August 2023. You are reclaiming your power under this celebratory lunation. Pressure from Pluto, the planet of regeneration and upheaval, will reveal where your most pressing challenges reside. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter encourages you to assert yourself with confidence and pride despite what others think. There will always be someone who judges and shames you; make sure your inner saboteur doesn’t side with them. 

Stand up to opposition

Having recently made an era-defining switch into Aquarius, destructive Pluto cuddles close to the Sun to intensify the power of the Leo full moon. Tensions are stirring, and it will be obvious where you are experiencing pressures to eliminate habitual patterns that prevent you from evolving. You are presented with one final hurdle to round off this chapter: eradicate everything from your life that has impeded your joy and freedom of expression. It takes great courage to stand up to opposition – whether that be controlling people or forces in your life, systems or traditions that dull your sparkle, or fear itself. But, with courage, bravery, and loyalty to yourself, you will overcome.

Be fiercely courageous

Jupiter, the planet of growth and positivity, offers a ray of protection as it squares up with the full moon. Exaggerative Jupiter reminds you that the only worthy response to those who impose limits to disempower you is to be yourself even more – fiercely and out in the open for all to see. Have you been influenced by the belief that showing your real face while everyone masks their true self is something to be ashamed of? It’s time to flip the narrative and command respect.

Speak your mind

Mercury, ruling your mindset, unites with Mars – the planet of action and instinct – generating a resilient and reactive background dynamic to amplify the full moon’s tension. Conversations will be honest, direct, and blunt as Mercury and Mars take on the authoritative and professional wisdom of Capricorn. It’s always commendable to speak your truth, but be wary of your surroundings and the timing of when you choose to strike.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, and Aries Sun who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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Your February 2024 Horoscope & Intentions: Influence Progressive Change & Expand Your Mind


Sun Conjunct Pluto In Capricorn & Aquarius