Full Moon In Virgo, 2022: Life Changes When Your Perspective Evolves


he full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18 to help you transform your perspective. Full moons signify the height of the lunar cycle, endings, and energetic release. The spotlight will be on external events in your daily lifestyle that are coming to natural endings — for example, responsibilities no longer needing to be met, favors being fulfilled, and work tasks getting completed). The moon will oppose the sun at 27 degrees Virgo, the zodiac sign of adaptation, perfectionism, and service. This isn't a particularly vibrant spot for the moon to be in. The moon is the planet of emotional experiences and appreciates tender, homely, and protective signs while Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intelligence, communication, and logic.

The full moon in Virgo will signify a necessary and karmic end to your thought patterns and inner criticisms that have led you to undesirable circumstances. This won't be the celebratory ending like last month's full moon in Leo, but it will be a practical ending where you can clean up the issues you didn't handle well due to your rigid perspective and fixed logic.

Combat Your Negative Thoughts

The full moon trine Pluto will invite you to re-wire your mind and adopt a brighter perspective. To see the world differently, you must make active and conscious decisions to question your thought process and combat your negative thoughts. While Pluto's trine to the full moon indicates supportive energy coming from the planet of shadow and regeneration, you will still feel the discomfort of transforming internally, even though it's what's best for you.

Maybe you've been overly practical and closed-off in situations where you needed an open heart. Or you've felt an innate responsibility to give to others and support them but realized that you haven't been giving back to yourself in the same way, leading to misdirected frustration and resentment toward others. Perhaps you're learning not to be such an instinctive fault-finder. You could come to see that it's only you who's been forcing you to maintain such unhealthy work or life routines that have caused you to feel anxious or bad about yourself.

Life Changes When Your Perspective Evolves

Your life will intensify under this lunation — once your mindset begins to shift and you're aware of how you've been contributing to your own negative experiences, you'll realize that your lifestyle has to change to match the energy of your thought process. The full moon will square black moon Lilith in Gemini, emphasizing truth and being clear with yourself and others. Self-awareness will be key when navigating conversations, especially in your workplace. Don't feel discouraged if you react toward others in ways that are symbolic of the old version of you that you are trying to step away from.

Practice being less controlling and narrow-minded when you don't understand or agree with people's behavior or ideas. Release your attachment to perfecting how things get done, and focus on promoting the best outcomes. And most importantly. Let go of the rigid standards that you're holding yourself to, and be non-judgemental when you're working to break through old cycles and mental patterns. Bringing awareness to the inner-work you need to do is already a massive step in the right direction that only conscious beings reach.

Looking for more insights? Click here to read your full moon horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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