Leo Season 2023 Horoscope: Venus Retrograde In Leo Begins
The Sun’s return home to fixed fire sign Leo – the zodiac sign it rules over – marks the beginning of a warm and vibrant season and an opportunity to connect to your desires and pleasure. Radiant and regal Leo season is here – as of July 22/23 to August 23 – calling you to embrace the passionate and playful spirit of Summer and work on cultivating more confidence and self-worth. Your charm, charisma, courage, and personal power will increase as the universe ushers you to take more pride in the things you do and create.
Embrace your ambitious side without viewing everyone as your competition, and indulge in your interests without the fear of being shamed or perceived as childish or immature. Lead with your heart by standing by your empowered decisions, but watch out for excessive pride and stubbornness. Observe the judgments and opinions you form of others this month. Viewing others as being too self-interested, childish, or unserious may reflect areas within yourself that call for more love and attention. Allow yourself the freedom to express yourself in your own unique way, and shower yourself with love and encouragement without fearing what others think of you.
Venus Turns Retrograde In Leo
This year, the initiation of Leo season coincides with dramatic Venus retrograde. Venus – ruling over your values system, partnerships, and attachments – retreats through Leo from July 22/23, approximately 17 minutes before the Sun shifts into Leo. As one of the more benefic planets, Venus retrograde brings a period of reflection and internal evolution that encourages you to reflect on your needs and put yourself first. Observe what you need to feel satisfied and reconsider whether these standards are being met (by others you share a connection with, but also, by yourself).
As the planet that rules over attraction, Venus retrograde is arming you with the courage to acknowledge how your unconscious projections influence the type of people and experiences you’re attracting. Your suppressed emotions will lead you to attract romantic partners who embody the very essence within yourself that you reject until you bring your awareness to these shadows and reclaim them through total self-love and acceptance. Fan the flames of your inner fire instead of relying on others to uplift you, and reconsider what needs to change in your existing relationships that aren’t meeting your standards or needs until September 3/4, when Venus retrograde ends.
Depending on your rising sign, this upcoming season will have a unique impact on your life. Don’t know what your rising sign is? Click here to find out.
It’s time to reconnect to your desires and trust the callings of your inner child, Aries. You might notice the things or people that once brought you happiness no longer do. If you’re casually dating someone, take some time to reconsider your connection and whether it’s strong enough to develop into something serious. Otherwise, this season is best spent exploring your evolving interests – what makes you come alive? How can you incorporate more fun into your routine without feeling selfish?
Taurus, a reconsideration of your core values will characterize your Leo season, calling you to re-explore what truly matters to you and what you’ve over-valued that is no longer of importance. Observe what truly brings you peace and what you’ve merely kept around for shallow and materialistic interests. The Leo Sun beckons you to reconnect to yourself and align with pleasures (and family members) with whom you feel like your most empowered self.
You’re rethinking your values, attachments, and priorities this season which will help you communicate your needs to others with clarity. Ease into this period of readjustment as retrograde season slows you down, and try not to dominate every conversation with your opinion. The ideas you resonated with in the past may no longer be relevant or true to you. These changing values and ideas will challenge you not to be so stubborn and fixed with your mindset.
Buyers’ guilt and remorse may strike this season as Venus retreats through Leo, calling you to reconsider your material desires. Are you giving yourself what you need or trying to keep up with the crowd, Cancer? Are you spending above your means or, in contrast, not treating yourself enough? This Leo season, the universe asks you to tune into your own needs and find ways to support, sustain, and nourish yourself that’s uniquely you. Don’t worry about how others are taking care of themselves.
The spotlight is on you this month, lovely Leo. As you develop more self-confidence and carry yourself with dignity, pride, and respect, you’ll notice you attract positive and abundant experiences that uplift your Summer. With Venus retrograde in your zodiac sign, you may question whether you’re living in alignment with your heart’s desires. Reflect on what you want out of life and avoid making dramatic changes to your appearance until Venus stabilizes.
Unleash your power, Virgo. Leo season and Venus retrograde ask you to develop your confidence and courage to be your authentic self. It’s time to tend to your mental well-being so you can break free from the cycle of holding yourself back. Explore the roots of your fears and insecurities, and you’ll discover that many of them have been encouraged by your unconscious overthinking and nerves about what others think of you. Remember, what matters most is what you think of yourself.
Realign with your hopes and wishes rather than pouring your energy into helping others to achieve their ambitions. In the past, you might have convinced yourself that someone else’s dream is also yours when secretly, you wish you could venture in a different direction. Expect to reconsider your friendships and whether the company you keep is encouraging and loving or draining and discouraging. As your values evolve, so must your community.
Before you strive toward your next career ambition, ask yourself who you’re working so hard to please. Praise, recognition, winning, or proving someone wrong may feel great in the moment, Scorpio, but it won’t lead to lasting joy and satisfaction if they are your sole motivation. Empowering Leo season boosts your courage to strive for more heart-centered desires while Venus retrograde stirs up a new understanding of what success looks like for you. Whatever you do this month, make sure you do it for yourself.
New opportunities for expansion will emerge as you rediscover the things you love most about being alive. Harness the power of Leo season to reflect on whether you’ve made space for new adventures and discoveries. Speak confidently about your beliefs, spiritual ideas, and personal philosophies, but prepare for your understanding of life and perception of the world to develop as you expand your level of comprehension and journey to new physical and mental terrains.
With intimate Leo season and Venus retrograde officially underway, you will deeply reconsider your values around love, sex, and partnership. Your changing ideas will cause you to realize that you now need more or something different to feel satisfied. Honor your needs without shame by allowing yourself to embark on this period of growth and change. Open up and share your feelings with your significant other or romantic partners.
Brace yourself, Aquarius. Your relationships will be subject to major changes this season as you reflect on whether your needs have been met or if you want something to change. Don’t get too hasty and call it quits, race to the altar, or invite an ex-lover back into your life. Allow yourself time to get clear on what you desire; as you evolve individually, remember that your significant other is also experiencing their own transformation – it’s not all about you.
Pisces, as you reconsider what’s truly essential to living the life of your dreams, Leo season invites you to introduce more excitement and play into your routines. Reprioritizing may be necessary so you can balance the scales of work and play. Make time for regular work breaks and take care of yourself by doing something every day that’s just for your pleasure and enjoyment. Loosen up and embrace the lighthearted spirit of the season.