The New Moon In Virgo, 2022 Will Encourage New Habits That Steadily Improve Your Life

Each month, we’re given a new opportunity to get a fresh start and set new intentions as the Sun and Moon form a divine cosmic union which we recognize as the new moon phase. This August, the Sun and Moon will merge in analytical and detail-oriented Virgo, encouraging you to focus on your specific intentions for the month ahead and set a new standard for yourself. Condense your larger goals into smaller steps that are currently achievable for you and go into new ventures and projects with a structured game plan. Raise your expectations and don’t skip over details that could help you meet your targets down to the last detail.

Listen to honest advice

New moons stimulate our excitement and motivation to affect change in our lives. With Virgo being the intellectual and motivated mutable Earth sign of the zodiac, brace yourself for a surge in restless energy that will push you to get things done and accomplish anything you set your mind to. The new moon will encourage you to find new ways to improve and refine your life. Set a healthy, balanced, and productive routine; organize and declutter your space, and create a to-do list that will keep you on track to meet your goals. Watch out for perfectionist tendencies that could cause you to labor over tasks that haven’t been completed to your satisfaction. Reach out to an honest and trustworthy friend and listen to them if they call you out for being too hard on yourself. 

Help others to better themselves

The Virgoan nature of this new moon will inspire you to be of service to others. You may step up and offer to run errands for your friends, actively help a stranger who’s lost a belonging of theirs, or share constructive feedback with your loved ones who you want to encourage to better themselves. However, with the new moon aligning in the section (or decan) of Virgo governed by the Sun, you could receive a massive confidence boost from helping others that might distort your intentions. Make sure you aren’t looking for recognition for being hardworking or expecting praise for being supportive.

Frustrations are increasing

Passionate and energized Mars in Gemini will square off with the new moon, supercharging your motivation and speed. However, this tense and pent-up energy could lead to frustration if your mind wants to complete more tasks than you can physically complete. Avoid pushing yourself to your limits by setting work boundaries to keep you from being excessive or hyper-enthusiastic about getting things done. The enterprising nature of Mars in Gemini and the focused and driven energy of the new moon will push you to uncover hidden solutions to the obstacles you’re facing. Forces outside of your control could interfere with your projects, teaching you to be adaptable when things don't go to plan. Additionally, if you aren’t taking time to rest and recharge, you may be forced to do so when you face accidental injuries or burnout.

Be clear with your intentions

Alongside the new moon, Venus in luxurious and self-interested Leo will face off with change-making Uranus in Taurus and karmic Saturn in Aquarius. This tense and dramatic cosmic alignment will challenge you to mature and leave behind the materialistic goals that aren’t a true reflection of who you are and what you want to achieve in life. Focus on the bigger picture and strive to fulfill your needs rather than chasing superficial indicators of success. What overall goals are you working toward, and do they align with your core values?

Want to know more about how the new moon will affect your zodiac sign? Click here to read your horoscope.

Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a multidimensional human with a gift for cosmic translations. She founded Jupiter Jewel in 2019 but has tapped into the spiritual realm, absorbing the universe’s intelligence, from as early as 7 years old. Alexandria brings together ancient and modern teachings through her writing and soul readings to help people elevate and embody the highest expression of their energy.

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